Managing company costs can be challenging, sometimes even nightmarish. Employees may not submit invoices on time, documents can get lost, or even destroyed, for example, by spilling a hastily drunk coffee. Accounting has its hands full, and problems with document submission don't make life any easier. However, with solutions like Continia Expense Management, companies can gain full control over expense management while increasing efficiency and transparency of operations.

How does Continia Expense Management simplify company expense settlements?

Continia Expense Management is a tool integrated with the ERP system Dynamics 365 Business Central that automates the process of registering and approving company expenses. It allows employees to quickly and conveniently register expenses directly from their smartphones by taking photos of receipts or invoices and sending them to the system. This application enables automatic data transfer to the accounting system, significantly speeding up and facilitating the entire process. The tool allows the registration of purchase documents using a mobile app available on iOS and Android. Employees can add photos of receipts, enter necessary information, and send them to the Dynamics 365 Business Central system. Additionally, this tool supports importing data from credit cards, enabling automatic linking of transactions with the appropriate purchase documents.

Full integration with Dynamics 365 Business Central

One of the key advantages of the application is its full integration with the ERP system Dynamics 365 Business Central. As a result, all data is centralized and available in one place, making it easy to track and analyze expenses. The accounting department has current insight into registered documents and can quickly identify and resolve any discrepancies.

Expense Management in the service of sustainable development

The Continia application is also an excellent solution for companies aiming to reduce emissions and wanting to start adapting to sustainable development requirements. Expense Management allows calculating the carbon footprint, for example, during business trips. It is enough to fill in the application with data such as the distance traveled, the route taken, and, of course, the mode of transport. Based on this information, the application can calculate the emissions resulting from the trip, making carbon footprint reporting easier.

Thanks to Continia Expense Management, companies can significantly simplify and streamline the expense management process. Automation, digitization, and full integration with the Dynamics 365 Business Central system allow for better control and financial efficiency. Implementing this solution benefits not only the accounting department but also all employees, who can focus on their key duties instead of wasting time on complicated settlements.