N24 Non Conforming Delivery App
Do your employees receive large amounts of deliveries and need a tool that will make it more convenient to report delivery discrepancies? If so, our Non-conforming delivery registration App could be the answer!

N24 Non-conforming Delivery Registration App in operation
After discovering damaged goods or discrepancies with an order from a vendor, the recipient usually files a complaint with the supplier. It is often a complicated procedure that requires the fulfillment of criteria which is strictly defined by suppliers or carriers. Fast and precise action is also necessary. In many companies, the process of registering incidents related to deliveries is not structured and optimised, this exposes entrepreneurs to material and time losses.
Function of the applicationThe application is intended for companies where deliveries are accepted, either directly or to their warehouse. Employees responsible for collection do not always have current access to a computer, hence the solution is mobile - the only requirement is a smartphone or tablet with a camera and Internet access. Thanks to the application, notification of non-compliance is instant and contains all required parameters. The solution is based on Microsoft Power Apps.
N24 Non-Conforming Delivery Registration App Functionality
- The ability to select a supplier from the list or add a new one;
- Selecting a predefined type of damage or using the "Other" option and entering a description of the incident;
- Registering the date of the incident;
- Setting priority level;
- Specification of the warehouse to which the delivery was accepted;
- Damage documentation based on photographic evidence;
- Registration of all incidents on a central list with highlighting (resolved / unresolved, etc) options;
- E-mail notifications sent to the warehouse manager / complaints department, containing photos and information..

N24 Non-conforming Delivery App in practice
The following scenario presents an example of a situation in which our application can assist 1. A.N Other, warehouse worker at NAV24 Ltd, accepts delivery from ABC Ltd 2. During collection, it is noticed that the delivered goods are damaged. 3. The warehouse worker launches the NAV24 Delivery Non-Conformity Registration application, via his smartphone/tablet, and creates a new incident report. 4. Information registered includes: the date, supplier, type of damage, warehouse name, priority and photos of the damaged delivery. 5. The complaint's department at NAV24 Ltd receives an e-mail containing information and photos referencing the damage, which allows for quick submission of a complaint to ABC Ltd. 6. When the complaint is accepted and the issue resolved, the complaints department marks it appropriately in the central list of incidents.
Make an appointment for a free, no obligation, consultation
If you would like to learn more about our N24 Non-Conforming Delivery Registration App, please contact us today and our consultants will offer advice on the most effective solutions for your company.
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