Implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 is not an easy task. Due to its extensive and broad functionality, it can bring about significant changes to your company. On the other hand, it's easy to get lost in the flexibility of this software. There is a risk that you might not be able to transform technology into a successful transformation.

Third Stage Consulting is an international consulting firm specializing in everything related to ERP systems. Their representatives have analyzed their experiences in assisting organizations with the implementation of Dynamics 365. They have identified key best practices that can translate into success or failure in transformation. These lessons are impartial and unfiltered. Interestingly, most of these lessons apply to organizations using technologies other than Dynamics 365 as well.

It's always worth learning from organizations that have already gone through a process you are about to undertake, especially when it comes to implementing business-critical systems like ERP solutions. After all, life is too short to make all the mistakes yourself, isn't it? Here are three valuable insights that Third Stage Consulting has gathered while overseeing Dynamics 365 implementations worldwide. They have also enriched these insights with practical tips to ensure your project ends in real success.

Flexibility of Dynamics 365: Many Benefits and Risks

Dynamics 365 is one of the more flexible ERP systems available on the market. In today's rapidly changing world, this is often an advantage. However, there is also a dark side to this flexibility. It often leads to (much) greater non-standard configurations than necessary. In other words, just because you can easily change the software doesn't mean you should always do so. Non-standard customizations and modifications should only be made to preserve unique competitive features. The desire for constant modification and adaptation of the system to the organization (rather than the other way around) leads to nowhere.

Don't Be Deceived by Microsoft's Familiar Appearance

While watching Dynamics 365 demonstrations or exploring the system, you may get the impression that using a Microsoft product is self-explanatory. It looks and operates like a Windows-based system. This can lead to the belief that the product is relatively easy to learn. Consequently, you might underestimate the effort required for effective change management in the organization, end-user training, and communication. Don't fall into this trap. While user-friendliness is one of the advantages of Dynamics 365 Business Central, to fully harness the system's potential, you need to get to know it well.

'Postmodern' ERP Solutions Require Advanced IT Knowledge

In addition to providing flexibility, the open architecture of Dynamics 365 makes it easier to integrate with other systems. Some use Dynamics 365 as a central back-office system, integrating it with other best-in-class applications like CRM, HCM, or BI tools. Some call this a 'postmodern' approach. It can be a good solution, but remember that it requires a certain level of advanced IT knowledge and internal support.

Our goal as a Microsoft partner is not only to sell software licenses but to deliver a project that is successful from both perspectives. Do you want to learn more about how we can further streamline your processes and your organization with our Dynamics 365 solution? Contact us and schedule a free consultation!