Awareness of the threats posed by insufficient protection against cyberattacks is growing. The digital world intersects with the real one at every turn, both in private and professional spheres. To enhance digital security, the European Parliament has passed an amended directive on network and information systems (2022/0383 - NIS2). How will it affect the operation of European companies, and how can Microsoft's solutions help meet its requirements?

What is NIS2?

Coming into effect in October 2024, the European Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2) will be the most comprehensive European directive on cybersecurity. It covers 15 different sectors and aims to standardize cybersecurity requirements and their enforcement across EU member states. To this end, "minimum measures" have been established, which include risk assessments, cryptographic policies and procedures, security procedures for employees with access to sensitive data, multi-factor authentication, and digital security training. The directive also mandates companies to create a plan for managing and reporting incidents that pose a threat, as well as managing business operations during and after incidents. Compared to all previous regulations, NIS2 will focus much more on supply chain security and data controls by implementing basic cybersecurity measures for organizations.

How can Microsoft help your company meet NIS2 requirements?

NIS2 builds on previous regulations such as NIS1 and GDPR but adds many new requirements. For example, organizations must now adopt a robust risk management strategy, timely incident reporting, supply chain control capability, and maintain a complete inventory of all digital assets. Here are the main Microsoft Security solutions that can help with this:

  • Microsoft 365 combines the capabilities of Office 365, Windows, and Enterprise Mobility + Security, providing an integrated solution that meets the stringent NIS2 requirements for security, compliance, and data management. It delivers integrated tools for monitoring and managing security across the enterprise.
  • Azure Sentinel provides a comprehensive view of your organization's security status with real-time analysis.
  • Microsoft Compliance Manager offers dynamic, actionable insights, enabling continuous management and improvement of compliance status.
  • Microsoft Purview enables comprehensive data protection, securing all data across various platforms, applications, and clouds through holistic solutions for information protection, data governance, risk management, and compliance.

Navigating NIS2 compliance requirements requires not only a tactical approach but also a strategic partnership with a security provider that understands the full scope and scale of today’s cybersecurity challenges. Contact us to explore the full potential of Microsoft solutions.