Everyone knows the scenario: it’s Monday morning, you return to work and optimistically begin tackling your responsibilities, hoping that everything will go smoothly today. You receive an order for a large quantity of products, and you start processing it with confidence — only to quickly realize that something is wrong.
You check your warehouse inventory and get an unpleasant surprise — stocks are running low, making it impossible to fulfill the order. Luckily, your company is part of a group of several other companies, so maybe one of them has the missing goods?

And here’s where the trouble begins. Instead of smoothly processing the order, you have to manually switch between companies. Each click means the same monotonous task, and time drags on endlessly. The first company—no stock. The second—same story. The third—some stock, but not enough. Finally, in the fourth company, you find the right amount. But how much time did this take? The client is waiting, and you feel like you’ve been transported back to the 90s, battling outdated processes. Instead of focusing on strategy or customer service, you’re lost in a maze of companies, trying to locate the required inventory. How is it possible that in this day and age, there isn’t a simpler solution?
It could have been so easy...
What if, instead of switching between companies, you could check full stock levels across all companies with a single click? You’d have access to real-time information without logging into multiple companies, wasting valuable minutes, and getting frustrated. Everything would be in one place, without unnecessary clicking.
With such a simple change, inventory management stops being a nightmare. Instead of wasting time on constant switching, you could focus on more strategic tasks that truly contribute to your company’s growth.
How can this be done?
When creating a sales quote or processing an order, simply select the desired product, and the system will instantly display available quantities from other companies in a simple window on the right-hand side. There’s no need to open additional screens, switch between companies, or perform any extra steps. Everything is at your fingertips—quickly, clearly, and without unnecessary delays.

This feature is also available directly in the item card, simplifying daily inventory work and enabling optimal warehouse management. Furthermore, you can configure inventory visibility, restricting it by company or location to tailor the system to your business’s specific needs.

Boost your efficiency today!
With the Advanced Inventory feature, inventory management becomes simple and intuitive. Instead of switching between companies, you get a complete overview of available stock and can make decisions in the blink of an eye. Faster, easier, and without unnecessary complications.
If this solution interests you, get in touch with us. We’ll answer all your questions and show how we can help optimize your processes.
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